You are much more likely to stick to a routine, whatever it may be, if you work on a schedule. In addition, this allows you to clean when you can minimize interruptions and maximize your time. Try scheduling one hour a week to tackle on area of your home. You will be amazed how much you can accomplish in that short time frame.
Step # 2: Set A Goal For Each Room
If you can visualize what you want, you will be better able to achieve it. By setting goals for each room, you can note the things that need changing and work toward that goal one day at a time. It's also a good idea to only tackle on room at a time. If you are working on the clutter in your bedroom today, don't worry about the clutter in the kitchen. Leave that for another day.
Step # 3: Create A Timeline
When do you hope to have your home completely free of clutter? One week, two weeks or even a month? Depending on your schedule and the amount of clutter that you have, it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks before you can kick back and relax again.
Step # 4: Start Small
The clutter in your home didn’t appear overnight, and it won’t disappear overnight either. If you start small, you will be less likely to get frustrated and give up midway through your cleanup.
Step # 5: Categorize Your Clutter
When cleaning, it’s important to categorize your items into groups. By separating the items that you want to keep, toss and donate, you will be able to move through your clutter quickly and efficiently.
Step # 6: Letting Go
This is a tough one, I know! A good rule of thumb for uncluttering your home is to get rid of anything that you haven’t used within the past year. If it’s still useful, consider donating it to a good cause. Otherwise, toss it. There, I said it!
Step # 7: Storing Your Seasonal Apparel
When storing seasonal clothing, purchase a sturdy plastic storage bin with a lid and roll your clothes instead of folding them in an effort to maximize storage capability. When full, snap the lid on and slide the unit into your closet.
Step # 8: Closet Organization
Did you know that your choice of clothes hangers can greatly impact the storage capacity of your closet? Wire hangers take up less space and can save your shirts from getting that annoying shoulder bump that often arises from the use of plastic hangers. There are many space-saving closet products out there to help if you have minimal closet space to work with.
Step # 9: Shoes Blues
When it comes to storing shoes, many homeowners are fighting a losing battle with clutter. How many pairs of shoes do you own? How neatly are they stored? If your shoe storage has you down, try purchasing clear lidded shoe boxes. These handy creations can house each pair of shoes and can be stacked neatly in your closet. And best of all, you can see your shoe collection without having to sift through a sea of sandals.
Step # 10: Read The Labels
If you have medicine, food or anything else with an expiration date in the home, check to make sure that the items are still good. If the expiration date has already come and gone, throw them away.
It may seem like a daunting task, I know. Even getting through one area of your home will breathe new life into your space and will give you the motivation to tackle the next project. In the end, you will feel lighter, brighter, and more at peace. And I guarantee you will all of sudden look around and remember all the things you love about your home! What are your favorite de-cluttering ideas?
As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Be well,
photo credit: www.aadesignbuild.com, A&A Design Build Remodeling, Kitchen Remodeling, Germantown, Potomac, Rockville, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Washington DC, Interior Design, Aging in Place via photopin (license)