Sunday, November 29, 2009

Daily Tools and Technology for Real Estate Professionals

Here is a list of my favorite technology tools:
1.  Getting your emails on your phone:  I resisted having to pay that pesky data charge to my cellular carrier for years.  However, the fact that I can be out of the office all day and stay on top of my emails won out in the end.  Many of my clients correspond with me via email and being able to respond in a timely manner makes us both feel good :-)

2.  Voice Recorder:  It happens everyday. You are out driving around and see a property that you need to make note of.  You start fishing around for a piece of paper and a pen all while trying to stay in your own lane.  Then you scrawl (it's so badly written it can't even be classified as a scribble) the address down and pray you can decipher the chicken scratch later.  Save yourself, your car and everyone else on the road - use a voice recorder.  Most cell phones have the ability to capture voice notes. If yours does not, you can purchase a tape recorder anywhere for next to nothing.

3.  GPS:  Time is money.  Grab yourself a GPS to take you door to door instead of driving around in circles because the street sign is missing or there's no number on the property.  With so many models available you can easily find one that fits your needs without breaking the bank.

4.  Flashlight:  This is on the list more for me than for you since I never seem to have a flashlight with me when I need one.  Keep one in every vehicle, throw an extra one in your bag.  There is nothing worse than arriving to show a property that has no electricity and realizing you don't have a flashlight with you.

5.  Measuring Device:  There are many options from a traditional tape measure to a wheel to a laser measuring device. This is another of those tools you should never be without.

Have any other items that I left off the list? Let me know! As always I appreciate your feedback.

Be well,